On Saturday one young man, 23 years old made a great claim, as I am still mystified about what Occupy anything actually is. I would have to agree with his statement about the protest. He protested that these occupiers should be in Victoria on the legislative branch protesting. Today, a young woman in her 20s is dead from suspicious activity within her tent. This activity could be assumed prior and during occupy this, and it is really now a serious matter. As, occupiers are not visible to anyone who could supervise them for their own safety... The madness continues.. here's the link:
As the madness still continues, the people began to get some really touching and inspiring messages from the youth, who are sticking up for what is right for themselves. As there are rotten apples in a lot of areas in today's society, and never to down play a drug overdose in shelters that need supervision on the disputed land, it's really hard to pin point any sort of consistency. So, really, until this is all over, which doesn't seem like the case, anymore, the streaming live of Occupy Vancouver.
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