Alright, we're on, you, Richardson, Camera A,
Mannie, do you got coverage on Leo when he makes his entrance.
Okay, how's sound? Its okay, it's okay, okay? Alright, Cam A. Let's go!
Alright, some of these actresses are getting the way here. C'mon move, move! move! Alright there he his. He's got great eyes hey!? Haha!!!
Anyways, alright, keep rolling while I think of something to make this better for the viewers at home! Thought of it.
Here's an idea, when Leo hits the red carpet, Manny, CU with him and try to get him scoping out Mila Kuniz. We'll cut away to the landscape of the LA. Through all this smog. I can't see! Can someone get me another pair of glasses! Okay, thanks Jenise!
Okay! Whos got the script?
Ah shit.
I'll shoot it from memory
[FADE IN: Kodak Theater, Hollywood, Blvd, DUSK]
The celebrities from all parts of the globe are entering from their highly expensive limos to dawn their designer dresses. Okay skip over this part, and cut we cut to
Leo, looking heroic as he checks out Mila and the rest of the good lookin girls.
He sees Mark Wahlberg and brushes him off. He is mumbling to himself.
we cut away to the sky line of the city and--
Right away Marty!
Great! this is going go well. Leo doesn't even know we're doing this.
He's so natural y'know, he reminds me of the old 1950s NeoItalian Neo Realist films, or maybe, maybe Scandavian films from the 80s. He's doing great and he doesn't even know it!
K, so, Richy! lets take a break.
Manny take care of the exterior coverage for the rest of the exterior. Take this punk kid with you. He has been bothering me all night!
Alright kid, let's go see if we can get some cool shots.
I gotta friend who can get us a helicopter.
What is Marty doing?!
This is my set!
Whatsyourname, go tell that 5-foot nothing 60 something with the thick black glasses guy who
looks like he's made too many movies to get off my set.
I'm getting this so cheap!
This is the first time ever I am shooting an entire movie and Leo and
the whole gang every single one of them are considered extras!
without visual effects.
Where did they go?
Don't Panic, you have this under control see if you can get some color in this joint...
Keep cool, don't lose your camera... Are my shoes tied... K...
I wonder where Lebron is.
Wait they are playing basketball.
That is some shit scheduling right there.
Alright, Carmike, don't be intimidated.
They are just normal people who have sold their soul and you're trying to recapture it okay.
Beginners luck?! pffft! yeah.
Not a bad first shot though. Okay, honestly your gonna get terminated again if you continue to do what you want.
C'mon man! Where were you?!
I'll tell you one thing, I just love shooting.
It's just a new challenge and every time, alright they seem to be all in side. I can't see from here. Richy how are you doing over there?
Is Thelma in the truck yet? We are editing on the fly here, to ship back to the house for post, so we're going to need to be prudent people!
Were gonna have to shoot this on the run! They are heading inside!!!
Mr. Scorsese, this is the representative from the Nolan Production crew speaking. DIRECT, orders... Get off the set! You have one warning. You are costing us and your employers alot of money!
got it on my end...
Wally? How are you doing over there mate?
This Red Carpet is not going to shoot itself!
Nothing but critics and haters, I've dealt with them all my life. Alright, lets take a few seconds... Cleeeearrr it out, all that negative energy and let's go! Refocused!! Lets go! Where did Leo go?!
Found him!
Hey mates! What's going on here?
You guys are looking well, very well.
Can we play a little for you guys while, the awards go on...
Robert: I don't see why not.
Marty: It's so good to see you! Of Course! Haha!!
Mick: I'll tell the boys that we're on!
Marty: Where's that little black kid that has been running around and interrupting my creativity? Some one tell him to tell Chris he can't have the set.

Hey, asshole! What is that fucking kid doing?!
He's taking our fucking cops!
Hey you!!!
Stop right fuckin' there!
These black people think its a free fucking cup of coffee because it's
black history month and all.
This is why I put extra cream in my cappah'cino.

Fuck this guy, alright, Chris, we're gonna have to shut down for about 30 an hour it seems like this thing is getting outta control. There's 3 squad cars and a riot van!
keep on shooting. I gotta get inside,
some of us actually nommed for something.
Tell the black kid, if he wants a chance behind the camera...
It's now. If not. Suzie will jump in. Richy jump on Cam B while.
Manny has sit in on this show too. We'll be sneaking out frequently
to hang out with you guys.
Where's my other pair of glasses?
OH MY!!!
Best Cinematography for Robby... Someone pick that up for him, he's outside!
I have to stay here. I guess.
someone tell Chris that he can have the set until I'm done winning here. This is absolutely insane!

I would like to thank everyone who worked on this
picture. I'm so glad have worked with Marty on Shutter Island
and HUGO 3D.

I got it... I think.

Who is this guy and why does he get two cameras
and I only get one?
3 words Wally...Black History Month2012
No one invites me anywhere. But I'll help him out...
Okay. Me too.
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