Thursday, March 1, 2012

Life, the Universe and Everything

Tonight's Coast to Coast AM, will be truly a special one who choose to listen to it. There hasn't been a decent science fiction movie I have seen that has had an affect on me like 2001 or Alien. It does go back to trying to keep awake during Citizen Kane in film studies class. But it wasn't until I left, and realized that the real science of life, occurs outside the University. Ironically in real life. Those departing and attaching to/from reality, no matter how synchronic or chaotic. The beauty of Science Fiction especially now, is that there is complete freedom to achieve whatever you want to make of it. I really recommend, if you're kind of nut like I am, to read 2001's script the way Kubrick and Clarke put it together. It's possibly one of the most poetic I have seen in awhile. GF 1 and 2 still tops I think.  It read both as a script and as a short story, filled with vivid concreteness of Kubrick's and Clarke's Vision. One thing that really turns on the lights for me in well science fiction is the way science fiction turns off the lights, and lets you go somewhere no man has ever boldly gone before. I find that the best science fiction are the ones set in the near future, not the now, not the 1000 years from now, but not quite today, but you know around some time, one more shift in time frame and you're there kinna deal. It's jazz. It's free form, it's life, the universe and everything around it, through it and nerding about it. It's about the not knowing that is what it's all about. The Unknown and the Quest for it. Ridley Scott's Prometheus will do this to me and other anticipants. It's going to be a bitter sweet summer. The Resolution of Batman. Which, personally I never connected with. Two Face never got his day But, the beginning of something great for storytelling on many platforms and mediums. I am happy this movie is not 3D. I was not happy Inception was not. I am not sure what it is with British Filmmakers but they just seem to make Science Fiction films that pierce into the imagination of their audience more than any other nationality. Cue British Invasion pun and so on. I don't wanna get too wordy, but I am just so damn pumped for this movie it's not even funny. There is no doubt we're entering into a A Brave New World, win or lose it is going to be the ride of a lifetime and it's been really great, that there are filmmakers out there like Scott, Nolan,  who do still care about putting out greatness when they really could kick it with Adele and the Royal Fam. So, thanks in advance Mr.Scott for your consistency in holding the films to your word. 

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