Most people are confused.
Most people are undecided.
Most people are so undecided that they don't even know what do with the person that is with them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, no breaks. You are you and I am, me for a long yet limited time on this planet.
Yet, most people are confused and very undecided.
Who can blame them when the truth is hidden from plain sight and not encouraged at any level of education or real life situation, whether it be work or play.
I'll let you in one thing, especially in Mail Order Direct Mail Marketing and Value Delivery.
Confused and undecided people do not buy.
Read that one more time.
Confused and undecided people do not buy.
The hard part about Direct Response is the same challenge poker players have.
One cannot see or know the other adversary's thoughts or what they're holding aka what they want.
In Technology, there has been tons of methods to understand the customer's needs, wants and desires.
Lean, TQM, all that jazz.
They are all designed to create a shortcut into the customer's mind.
Poker players dedicate decades at the tables to understand one thing.
How can you read your opponent? Getting a beat on your adversary.
The army calls it intelligence.
The easiest method is by observation and testing your observations.
The benefits of reading your customer and opponent are unfathomable.
It is the difference between a rare winning player and a loser.
I would go on to say this is the single most important skill in life period.
Everyone wants to get what they want.
Who wouldn't want the superpower of reading the mind of someone without them knowing?
This blog is not going to offer a silver bullet on how to do this.
But, I will tell you a secret of mine that I had honed in High School.
In high school the guys and I would play poker all day and all night for endless weeks on end.
No stop. No quit.
We got used to each other. Some people adapted to each other's game a lot quicker.
A late friend of mine stopped me one day and asked me: "Do you have a tell on me?"
I said: "No, why?"
"Because you always bust me."
I remember never answering him.
But he answered himself.
The real reason why I felted him all the time is because
I wanted to bust him and concentrated all my energy on trying bust him.
He was a good poker player, he was enthusiastic and if I want to win, he's got to go.
Ironically, he wrote his biggest tell in my yearbook.
"Bluff when the pot is big..."
"Bluff when the pot is big..."
Hyper focus and concentration on your opponent's instinctual value is the secret of forming an ESP link with your prospect.
You cannot be confused about who you're talking to these days.
I was in a forum for about 3 months about Pick Up Artists.
First, and foremost, assuming anything about an audience is a road to bankruptcy.
I assumed that guys like money, cars and women in a PUA forum.
Quite the contrary, quite the opposite and if you brought any of these material things up.
You were labelled a witch and banned at the stake.
I weathered the storm. But, the moral of the story is that in daily life, more than any time in human history, not only is free speech not free. There are things you just cannot say even with the slip of the tongue if you want to persuade and seduce anyone to give you what you want.
But to achieve this, you must never forget
Carmichael's Golden Law: Don't sell things people don't want.
This the opposite of "Sell things people want to buy."
This method sound great. But, everybody thinks this.
It's nothing new. Every entrepreneur on the planet thinks they're selling what people want to buy. That's what gets them out of bed in the morning!
My method, of thinking about what people don't want is much more deductive and analytical. A lot of convention wisdom is applied to target markets as well. Who is your target market?
Everyone knows their target market. 90% of the time they're dead wrong! How do I know? Most marketers today, are affiliate sourced. Finding target markets that want to buy is not hard but it ain't easy.
Because they go on and assume things.
When you start off by Disqualifying the Who and the What. Now you're getting somewhere.
All these search engines are not giving the users what they really want.
What do users hate about these search engines??
They can't find anything authentically. These marketers are manipulating the searches!!!
Well, we're not gonna give them more of that, that would be stupid.
So we're not only gonna follow Carmichael's Golden Law.
We're also gonna give them what they really want.
Because every action needs a reaction.
That's what a Definitive Solution is all about!
The Law is to stop digging when you're in a hole and find the solution.
I'll let you in on another secret.
People KNOW what they don't like more than
they do like.
Humans are stubborn people. They'll still use it, because there is no alternative, but they sure ain't happy and if you know anything about selling. People are looking for happiness. Not solutions. Solutions are a means to the Happiness end.
I would even go on to say, that knowing your prospects dislikes is exponentially more important than knowing their likes. This can be the difference between paper or plastic. PS4 or PC. Everyone has hang ups about something.
I have dropped acquaintances for not liking Kanye West.
Stone cold.
They make fun of him. They gone.
What are your pet peeves? Your prospects got more than you think.
These are opportunities to create an very strong bond between you and your potential customer/partner/lover.
Today, how many people simply like each other because they share their dislike in Donald Trump?
Hatred is very potent relationship bonding mechanism.
Back to the PUA forum...
They hate the idea of money for reasons that you can talk to a stunning girl without money and get laid.
I totally agree and I will even go on to say they are right. You don't need money in poker, investing, dating, direct response marketing. You need a set of accurate eyes and mind. You need to see the truth in motion.
I even came up with one of my favorite headlines:
"Toronto man lands $110K a year hottie without looks or money"
They loved that one.
But, this just goes to show that in research you cannot confuse your clarity for their confusion.
Your likes for their dislikes.
Your likes for their dislikes.
Have you ever talked to someone so confidently and definite for them to only to tilt their head and stare at you blankly and delete you off facebook?
Clarity clarifies.
Confusion confuses.
Humans don't act on confusion.
As confusing as it is, most people think they are being very clear headed when making a decision.
This is really how sheeple breed. They assume the person in front of them has the vision and act accordingly.
But ask anyone their motives for doing anything.
You will be severely disappointed.
"I love Mankind, it's people I cannot stand." - Linus
Here's another thing.
People do not buy high ticket items in confused states.
They will not.
The art of high ticket product/service creation is creating the invaluable feeling of:
"This is for me, this was made and built with my needs in mind"
Confusion creates undecidedness which births chaos.
Word to the wise, people hate chaos.
So, here's the solution and exercise.
Everything your write, write an exhaustive list of the dislikes your prospect perceives they have.
When someone objects to something you have stated. You have said something they don't like. It's not bad. But, it is sure not congruent with their beliefs.
aka No Sale....
When someone objects to something you have stated. You have said something they don't like. It's not bad. But, it is sure not congruent with their beliefs.
aka No Sale....
List all the possible dislikes they harbor and bring all these to a solution.
Copywriting and persuasion is converting negatives into positives.
Dislikes into likes.
Rule #1: Assumption is the mother of all Fuck ups.
"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." - Issac Newton's Third Law of Physics
"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." - Issac Newton's Third Law of Physics
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