In a world where people want to die comfortably as financial planners.They live like rock-stars spending their 2 week paycheque on Molly and listen to awful techno.
Either way, the business structure remains the same.
Bands never owned their customers, so they never got wealthy.
The music can be timeless. But any honest musician would love timeless money also.
They owned their product, but product without a customer is just inventory and ideas. Product without a means of getting to the customer is worth less than trash.
For the first time, fans are really seeing who controlled their favorite artist's fate. It was not the musician. Hell no.
Without distribution rights to anything. You're broke. Royalty deals are bait for Get Rich Quick Rockers.
When music is free on Distribution Platforms such as, and very cheap on apple music. Anyone with a guitar and mic can get to their customer.
But this comes with a lot of problems that were usually taken care of by big conglomerate music labels.
No more luxury tour buses, No more $500K videos, no more stadium gigs. But, you get to do what you want when you want.
Freedom, Fame, or Fortune it's hard to get all of them in your youth.
Fanbase ownership is what separates the Yachts from the Rolexes. Not only in Music Distribution but in every business on this planet.
Your favorite band is startup. Plain and simple. They have skimpy budgets to make the most of their Marketing efforts and get to profitability like young Jobs and Wozniak...
I never knew who to support. When I hear of Noel Gallagher bragging about being gifted a Rolls-Royce by writing hit songs like "Wonderwall," "Champagne Supernova," "Rock 'N Roll Star." to complaining about how tough Independent Marketing is...
It's polarizing.
I want my bands to be bold and ambitious but don't want them to sell out...
Music without bigger than life budgets, arrogance and bravado is extremely boring. Musicians are the biggest influencers on the planet. Businessmen will never ever be what Artists do to people. They try and try and try. But Musicians will always give you the chills and thrills when they write and perform songs you thought were written for you.
Ironically, Apple has done a good job mimicking this same influence. I've never owned an iPad or Macbook. But, I see it's effect and it's no surprise that Steve Jobs' background and root inspiration was Bob Dylan...
Yes, Bob Dylan was signed to a Major Label. Now even he, has to do some dirty work to get his music out.
On the bright side, the bulk of the reward for the future of the music industry are the bands who can Lead Generate(Market) and keep the best fans. They can get rich, the fans can get what they want and Rock N Roll will live on...
As an aside, the whole point of being an Independent Musician is being broke and cool. It is a fact that when a band goes Mainstream, some if not all first finder fans drop the band...
"They sold out..."
Every band starts as an independent. Even the artists who are on a Major label. They usually take an awful deal that looks great in the short term but end up eating cat food a couple years later.
You cannot eat Independent Spirit. But, it can create Real Wealth you can hold in your hand if you're willing to stick it out and fight for it.
Takeaway: Own your customers! Take Equity over Income. It hurts in the short term. But it's the difference between being a band vs a business. Which every musician wants. They're just lying to you.
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