Friday, November 4, 2011

Bloody Marty: The maniacal, magical, madman (on Monday)

The most celebrated, imitated, respected, influential, passionate, committed filmmaker in the business. No Theme Park Rides, No Merchandising. The only filmmaker out of his generation who does not own any production company. He is the owner of The Film Foundation, which is a organization that is dedicated to keeping the restoration of films. The FF will be as busy as his contemporaries' production companies due international move to digital everything. There are COUNTLESS books on Martin Scorsese. I think SCORSESE ON SCORSESE is the book that properly chronicles the Madman from when he was a young kid growing up in New York. Truly just a street kid with a dream, with heart and compassion. What a journey this living legend continues to live. A body of work that just shows his obsession for his vocation. A different obsession than his contemporaries (Spielberg, Lucas, Cameron, de Palma). This blog, will try to do it's best, my best, to try to explain his influence on myself, as he has, he has driven my parents crazy. But, try to build up a little shrine of clips, funnies, and really just an absolute dedication article to Marty.

NOTE: During reading this article, many film 'buffs' have traded in their Thick Dark Scorsese Glasses for 3D Glasses
This blog was envisioned and written for the Stereoscopic 3D process in mind. 

It's great timing that Hugo and the Oscars are coming out. This is the filmmaker who did not win one Oscar until The Departed. No knocking The Departed, but his body of work during the 70s could make an argument for the commercialization of film.

He started off broke, like most filmmakers. That endless drive to stay alive on some of the Meanest Streets in the most coveted job title in creative/business history in the 1960s and 1970s. Film Director/ Auteur. Being a child in a senior's world, Lucas, Milius, Spielberg, DePalma, DeNiro, Kietel, Polanski, Coppola, Bogdanovich, Friedkin were wrestling the studio juggernaut. Martin lived the dream and the nightmare. His hard work and dedication lets him to continue to make and tackle contemporary issues in a personal light. The projects he feels, are the pictures he makes. John Cassavetes! If you want hard earned industry clout, this is the man to study. A true Raging Bull. Still not a billionaire, after creating the first episode of Boardwalk Empire, that is being criticized for being too introspective and brilliant (I hate the word brilliant) the guy is just good okay, I can go on and on like most film blogs, but Marty is just Marty plain and simple.

The Beginning of the End.
Martin Scorsese Language
The End is the Beginning.

Marty's first 3-D Movie Opens 
Today! In a Cinema Near You
November (23) 2011
Marty's (1)st 3D film hailed @ 
The National Board of Review (USA)
This film will be AFI Recogonized films
Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, and...(______) 
Martin Scorsese Nominated for Best Feature Film Director (2012)
Time names HUGO 3D as 2nd Coolest Movie of 2011. 
This Blog Beat TIME TO THE PUNCH. Just saying...

Martin Scorsese Commercials


Marty accepting his 2012 GG.

Even Martin has a reel.

Scorsese and Jackson

 Thanks, Marty.

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