Friday, November 4, 2011

MGM Studios: A brief study of Lion courage in times of (un)certain peril.

It's not pretty for many studios right now... MGM among the studios looking to transform...As it is pretty late, I was on the net like I am, and talking to my buddy Matt about the new James Bond that is coming out. First, I am surprised in the directing choice for Skyfall. Sam Mendes, who's art house style may bring something completely different to 007. I'm not sure how they could market this. Or which audience base they may be going after with a director that is noted for making "American Beauty." A lot of people my age loved that movie. I'm really kind of excited to see Skyfall. It seems almost Vanilla Sky like. I'll definitely post when I get back from seeing it. With saying this,  I am the last guy to be talking about Bond movies. I stick to the video games!! I have only seen 5 of the franchise. Plenty people have the time and plenty of people don't have the time in these times to watch the entire 007 franchise. I am one of the latter. As winter is coming around, I am getting my squirrel on to prepare for whatever winter may bring. But, the winter that may come for MGM may be something very cold, if Bond 23, 24 and Joss Whedon's Cabin in the Woods which it's popularity has drawn to a halt. There is also already a load of trouble with The Amazing Spider-Man picture that has gone through issues since pre-production through to production. With studios and distribution scrambling and transitioning to digitized platforms from a lot of energy, time and money are being spent.

As of March 22nd 2012

OCT 5TH 2012

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