Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mr. Reid would like a few words with you. Cinematic Trailer Studies 101

The Cinematic Trailer

What satisfies a good trailer?
If word of mouth is so good why do Distribution Companies invest so much dollars into Marketing Campaigns?
What makes trailers an major influence about trailers especially in 2011
Low attention spans?
There's a lot of work that goes into cutting a sufficient trailer that has to serve a purpose.
Why the old trailers don't work, and why they did for the older generations? 
What draws the audience in?
The insta-like on youtube
The Tweet.
The Insta text to a friend.
How technological changes has changed the way the public views trailers and how Distribution Companies have adapted to these changes.
The immediate buzz...
Not only will I give my own critieria for what has drawn me into spending every waking dollar I have at the movie theatre. I'll explore this from the history of trailers. Very Fun, and I don't care if no one cares. I'm doing it anyways. I would love some input if you would like to get into it.

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